Rocky Mountain Blueberry Desserts
Rocky Mountain Blueberries make a delicious Crisp or Pie. Here's how. Rocky Mountain Blueberry Crisp Ingredients for Berry Mix: 10 cups...
The nutritional info on Rocky Mountain Blueberries is pretty incredible
For 3/4 cup RMBB Blueberries Strawberries
Calories 85 51 37
Protein 1.3 g .4g .7g
Carb 18.5g 12.2g 8.4g
Total Fat .5g .6g .5g
Total Fiber 5.9g 2.7g 1.3g
Iron 96mg .18mg (not a typo) 1.0mg
Potassium 162.2mg 54mg 21mg
OK so now whats your super fruit? RMBB's are native to the Rocky Mountain area, are a member of the rose family. They are not huckleberries or high bush blueberries. They also top blueberries in ORAC, oxygen radical absorbance capacity. Freeze easy, just pour em in a ziploc. Enjoy.