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Visit the farm to get outdoors and create memories on a real, working farm. Wander the livestock corrals, go back in time with antique farm machinery, or bring your lunch to the picnic area. Enjoy fresh fruits, vegetables and meats...everything sold here is grown here!

Visit the Store-In-A-Barn to pick up fresh fruits and vegetables in season. You will also find Honey, forage based fed lamb and forage based fed beef, grown here without hormones, antibiotics or meat base protein. Click here for more details.

Group Tours or Field Trips

You're invited to bring your class, daycare or family to pick their own berries or pumpkins! 


Berry field trips are held during the summer, during PYO Berry Season. No reservations are required. Please see the PYO Page for more details. 


Pumpkin field trips begin the end of September. Come out to visit the farm animals, eat lunch on the picnic tables and of course, walk to the pumpkin patch and pick a pumpkin. More info on the PYO page. 


You can always buy our produce in the Store-In-A-Barn...or you can join us in the field and Pick-Your-Own! PYO is offered for strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries and of course, pumpkins. Click here for more details.

On Hold, we'll see for 2023


Held on Memorial Day from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. (if there are strawberries to pick!) Activities include Pick a Pint of Strawberries with a hayride to the patch, visit the sheep, lambs, cows, chickens and honeybees. There is no entry fee but please see PYO berry prices if you plan to go to the field.


On Hold, We'll see for 2023


Held on the 4th of July from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. if the raspberries cooperate. Activities include a walk to the field, pick a cup of berries (or more!) and visit the animals. There is no entry fee but please see PYO berry prices if you plan to go to the field.

Meet the                           Animals

The calves are usually born in late August. They don't really eat out of your hand and don't care to be handled, but they are fun to watch.

Black Spanish might be considered an American Classic. They are beautiful, and make an excellent table bird. They date back to the late 1800’s. They are, still today, one of the most popular variety of heritage turkeys in the United States.

There are several varieties of chickens on the ranch.

  • Dark Rhode Island Reds are an old time, well-known American Breed.

  • New Hampshire Reds are lighter in color and a popular breed for efficient production of large brown eggs.

  • Black Australorps are all black with a green sheen which is beautiful in sunlight. They are also known to produce large brown eggs even in hot weather.

  • The Golden Lakenvelders are strikingly beautiful variety because of their unique color pattern. They have black heads, necks, and tails the rest is a buff color.

  • Silver Lakenvelders have black heads, necks and tails while the remainder of plumage is white.

  • The Silver Laced Wyandotte have a striking color pattern and docile nature is which makes this variety popular.

  • The Barred Plymouth Rock breed is one of American’s oldest and most popular breeds. They are excellent dual purpose breed that is known for production of large brown eggs and meat.

  • The Ameraucanas, known as the “Easter Egg Breed,” have beards, muffs and a normal tail with a tail head which gives them a bunny tail appearance. Ameraucanas are excellent producers of large multicolored eggs, including blue and green eggs. 

Rambouillet ewes and the ram live at The Berry Ranch year round! There will be newborn lambs in the spring. They love eating pellets from our feeder out of your hand.      

Honeybees are helpful to the farmer because they help pollinate the crops. In our store-in-a-barn, you can watch the honeybees at work in a glass beehive. The bees in this glass beehive can - and will - go out into the fields and pollinate. They are a normal beehive, except for the fact that their home is made of glass. This lets you watch them!       

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